What is the
point of cheating in Single Player?
Think about this:
1. If you outwitted the AI and won, you'll get the Victory Screen. (Yay! You played well!)
2. If you didn't outwit the AI and lost, you'll get the Defeat Screen. (Oh no! You played bad!)
3. If you didn't outwit the AI but cheated, you'll get the Victory Screen. (Yay? You still played bad!)
The only thing a cheat will change is the message at the end of the game (not counting the Solitaire-style-action-packed endgame as your 50 new mechs blast the enemy army to pieces).
It seems that some people like to see an undeserved Victory Screen because then they may pretend they played well after all. Why should the Developers feel obliged to give these people their "Plastic Medals"?
Please: Use your time to ask other players for hints instead. The AI's really easy when you get a bit experience.
If you get stuck, post here a replay of your game, and I'm sure someone will be glad to point out your mistakes.
(As for "Trainers", a fake victory will not improve your play style.)
The "Defeat" screen will not hurt you. (I've lost 11 straight games online now, so I know what I'm talking about.) Taking your defeats like a <insert gender here> will be good practice for your self-esteem.