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 Post subject: Getting my butt kicked by players, need help
PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:27 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2010 8:41 pm
Posts: 8
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So I've almost never lost against the AI...but at the same time I've almost never won a MP game. I'm starting to think the AI has made me weak, lol. So anyways, I saw in another thread that Tiger posted links to tips for players, but the links are dead. Does anyone have any useful advice, or links to them, for newer players? I've just read about amphibian/transports...which is great help.

I'd like to know more about strategies for disclosing secret allies. First, how do you choose which to disclose first? If the player pops a $18 or $12 on your doorstep first turn, do you disclose ad throw down lavs to get chewed up on his next turn? Or do you let him go in and take it? If it's a $12 or $18 though, you really don't want to lose that country for most of the game do you? Can you not disclose a secret ally 10 turns in if the player is still sitting on the HQ?

Also, If I have a lone $8 country surrounded by it best to never disclose it? If an enemy leaves a unit in the capital, will I never get a chance to disclose the secret ally later in the game?

Also, invading countries...lavs/mortars or tanks/mortars? I tend to go with 4 tanks on an $8 country for invasion, then push them in fast and add a transport for the inevitable 4xbunker in the furthest area of the country...but this doesn't always seem to work well in MP games.

 Post subject: Re: Getting my butt kicked by players, need help
PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 11:36 pm 
Tough Nut

Joined: Thu Dec 31, 2009 7:15 pm
Posts: 27
Karma: 0
Your questions are understandable but pretty broad depending on the map and your setup. Best advice...if you lose... save the game and review it to learn how your opponent beat you

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