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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 2:52 pm 
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You don't have to buy the game. Capitalism works great like that.

My thoughts:
Guest wrote:
Ordinarily I respect others views, but anyone on this forum(or anywhere in the world for that matter) who thinks their respective society is not being hurt from rampant sexual exploitation is an idiot.

I think you're overexaggerating. "I will reward you later, personally . . . if you want" is not, as you say, rampant sexual exploitation. Thats just ridiculous. Rampant sexual exploitation would be rape, or forcing 6 year olds to watch porn.
Sexual innuendo, yes, but not rampant sexual exploitation.

Guest wrote:
Sex is extremely intrusive to the psyche, and a young and hence underdeveloped mind is unprepared for this and will most certainly be affected.

I have quite a lot to say about this:

First of all, I do agree that sex is intrusive to the psyche, on many different levels.
However, despite your complaints about dodging the issue, violence also enters the psyche on the same amount of levels. I am going somewhere with this, so bear with me.

The issue, as I see it now from my angle, has really drifted away from puritanically censoring speach in the media. The issue here is really based on the fact that people are introducing "young and underdeveloped minds" to this video game.

I actually just got my copy of this game today, and I'm looking here at the box.
It says, in big ESRB letters on the bottom right:
I believe this rating means that anyone playing this game is recommended to be at least 13 years old.
Oh, and that rating isn't even for a sexual innuendo, its for the violence.

So, just to handle the violence which nobody seems to care about, its very clearly recommended that they be at least 13.
I believe most people hit puberty at age 11 - 13, depending on the person. Most hit it at 12.

So, when they're old enough to play this gamebecause of the violence, teens are already at least a bit past the point where the opposite sex looks attractive now.
This is also the time that either schools or parents have the birds & the bees talk with their kids. Or at least it should be - I had sex education when I'd just barely turned 13 in 7th grade (I was born in the summer which is why I was a little older in my class. I didn't flunk a year). A lot of kids were still 12 at this time.

So I think its fair to assume that a 13 year old who can - according to ratings - handle violence should also be able to handle a tiny sexual innuendo. Their minds should be fairly well equipped to handle it at that point.

Which of course brings me back to the question that none of the "concerned parents" has yet to answer: how old are your kids that you allow them to play this game?
If you're letting a ten-year old play a game thats recommended for at least 13-year olds you don't have much room to complain, in my opinion.

That would be like allowing your 18 year-old to go to a frat-house party and then be all shocked when they stumble home drunk.[/i]

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 3:25 pm 

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Very well put. I agree completely.

There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 9:07 am 

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You have watched too many Hollywood movies

or I just know too many Russians, and too many Chinese that it sounded to me like she was Chinese...

guess Iґll have to listen again more carefully, where in Russian was this girl from?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 11:16 am 
Sea Wolf
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Mrakobes wrote:
I wonder if Natalia Schuika ever read this thread :D i bet she would be amused to know that soo many people like her voice :D

Da! We all love her voice! :wink:


Never stop fighting.

 Post subject: yep
PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 2:56 am 

Joined: Thu Oct 23, 2003 1:30 am
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I totally agree and truely respect your guys' (Icarus, Mrakobes, Kolorabi, Quitch, Conoran, etc) viewpoints :o

thanks for making my day :) i feel all warm and tingly... er

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 4:43 pm 
Just like to rake it all up again.

Id like to say i totally agree with Icarus last post.

And the last bit, shows the kind of difference culture has on what is acceptable... over here in UK we can drink at 18.
And I do have to say, I find it very strict and over the top that you have to wait till 21?? Just shows what big differences there can be... and this is just between to western capitalist countries.

And before anyone says that alcohol/sex leads to the degredation of society bla bla.... look at who has the most serial killers :P I dont think its sex(not the violent kind... the nice consenting loving kind) or alchohol that pushes them over the edge.

 Post subject: wow
PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 5:59 pm 
I couldn't stop reading these posts, it was like watching a train wreck, playing with a painful hangnail, or watching one of those ridiculous "reality" TV shows everyone hates but watches.

Thanks Icarus (and a few others). At least there is some sanity inserted between the postings of homophobia, ignorance and prejudice.

For those readers who are not from the US and have not visited, let me tell you a little about us. We live in a weird combination of puritanical christian culture where seeing a bare nipple during a football halftime show causes a major uproar - as if people were emotionally scarred for life just because they saw what they sucked on to get milk for the first years of their lives appear on the TV. And on the other extreme, we have as much porn/strip-joints/sex-shops/prostitution as you want to satisfy the most deviant desires.

As for this country heading for the same fate as the Rome, their downfall didn't happen because they didn't discriminate against gays, or thought making love is a beautiful thing, but because their wealth and military might let the average Roman citizen become dumb, fat, and happy. FYI, the US leads the world in obesity and in lack of political knowledge. Until very recently most of us believed that Saddam was involved with Al Queida, was responsible for 9/11, and/or had weapons of mass destruction. Meanwhile few know that our best friends, the Saudis, are just as bad a dictator as Saddam, with horribble human rights records, and we are supplying them with real weapons of mass destruction purchased with our tax dollars. BTW, most of the 9/11 terrorist were Saudi citizens.

My fear of our downfall isn't from gays marrying, seeing a bare nipple on TV, or having sexual inuendos in strategy games. My fear is that we're getting dumb, fat, and happy, and listen to and believe anything our corpporate owned media and government tells us, while giving away our constitutional freedoms in exchange for what we think is security. Ben Franklin once said, "those who are willing to exchange freedom for security deserve neither." I tend to agree.

 Post subject: Re: wow
PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 4:11 pm 
Master Moaz wrote:
I couldn't stop reading these posts, it was like watching a train wreck, playing with a painful hangnail, or watching one of those ridiculous "reality" TV shows everyone hates but watches.

Thanks Icarus (and a few others). At least there is some sanity inserted between the postings of homophobia, ignorance and prejudice.

For those readers who are not from the US and have not visited, let me tell you a little about us. We live in a weird combination of puritanical christian culture where seeing a bare nipple during a football halftime show causes a major uproar - as if people were emotionally scarred for life just because they saw what they sucked on to get milk for the first years of their lives appear on the TV. And on the other extreme, we have as much porn/strip-joints/sex-shops/prostitution as you want to satisfy the most deviant desires.

As for this country heading for the same fate as the Rome, their downfall didn't happen because they didn't discriminate against gays, or thought making love is a beautiful thing, but because their wealth and military might let the average Roman citizen become dumb, fat, and happy. FYI, the US leads the world in obesity and in lack of political knowledge. Until very recently most of us believed that Saddam was involved with Al Queida, was responsible for 9/11, and/or had weapons of mass destruction. Meanwhile few know that our best friends, the Saudis, are just as bad a dictator as Saddam, with horribble human rights records, and we are supplying them with real weapons of mass destruction purchased with our tax dollars. BTW, most of the 9/11 terrorist were Saudi citizens.

My fear of our downfall isn't from gays marrying, seeing a bare nipple on TV, or having sexual inuendos in strategy games. My fear is that we're getting dumb, fat, and happy, and listen to and believe anything our corpporate owned media and government tells us, while giving away our constitutional freedoms in exchange for what we think is security. Ben Franklin once said, "those who are willing to exchange freedom for security deserve neither." I tend to agree.

Somone with some sense. I found myself nodding with agreement to all your points.

Dont forget those israelis mind you. Road map to peace.... now we know for a fact that was a load of bullcrap to allow them into Iraq.

When America allows countries to break international law and deals no justice unless it benfits them, im more than surprised when people wonder why terrorists target their "freedom".

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 11:41 am 
In the US nobody can talk about the Israelis. At best you get branded an anti-semite Jew-hating Nazi. So many people have been fired from their jobs only because they criticized israel for shelling schools, shooting children, bulldozing houses with people still in them, assasinating political opponents, kidnapping, torture, etc. You know, stuff that if anyone else did, they'd be labeled a horrible monster. Instead, Israel is the second largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid. Much of the tax money the average US citizen pays goes into buying weapons of mass destruction for Israel to use against the Palistinians (who then fight back with the only "weapons" they have, rocks, and home-made bombs tied to their bodies).
To be fair to the "average US citizen", let me explain something to the non-American readers. The entire media (and the entertainment industry) here in the US is controlled by those who strongly support Israel, so the news that people get (and the propaganda through TV shows and movies) is VERY one-sided. If you live in the US, you'd have to turn to the internet (Guardian UK,, etc.). I'm certain that if the average American actually read news other than the news-substitute they show on TV and print in the papers (mostly sports and human-interest stories), they'd be outraged.
Before I get labeled a Jew-hating Nazi, let me tell everyone here that I'm part jewish, and most of my closest friends are jews. Not all jews agree with Israel government's policy.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 11:57 am 
Sea Wolf
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Guest wrote:
Much of the tax money the average US citizen pays goes into buying weapons of mass destruction for Israel to use against the Palistinians

I don't pretend to know enough about the situation to comment on the rest of this, but I was unaware of the Israelis nuking, gassing, and bio-bombing Palestinians...

Cruise missiles, Apaches, and Bulldozers aren't "weapons of mass destruction"

Edit: spelling

Q: How many ADHD people does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: Oooh look, a kitty!!!

Last edited by Artanis on Thu Apr 29, 2004 3:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 3:06 pm 
Guest wrote:
who then fight back with the only "weapons" they have, rocks, and home-made bombs tied to their bodies

This absolutely sickens me, as it seems to almost condone terrorist acts against innocent civilians.

I am also an American, but I believe that there is enough media on both sides for any well-read citizen to be sensitive towards both sides.

Though I can't say I know enough, I have read about the history of the middle east and can see where both sides are coming from. I can't make a perfect judgement, as I have not lived there. I haven't lived in Palestine, where they are very oppressed and threatened, and many innocents die. I haven't lived in Israel where they are under constant threat of an enemy that has sworn to drive them into the sea (That is what the goal of Hamas is!)

My opinion is that both sides are wrong. They both use tactics that are evil, and cause the destruction of innocent lives. They are taught from their youth to hate their opponent. And they have unmatched religous zeal on both sides supporting their extreme views (I know I am speaking of the extreme few, while the majority of both sides are more moderate).

I have an honest question. How can this stop? How can the endless cycle of bloodshed be stopped, or will it ever? Does it really take one side oppressing the other?

That seems to be Israels current tactic. To oppress them so much that they can't fight back effectively. Destroy their leadership and cause them to hide. I don't agree with this at all. They are not in a good position for such tactics, there are too many in the region opposed to them whose hatred is only being fueled by their strategy. They were able to win the last war in 1967 against incredible odds, but will they be able to survive the next time?

And how about the Palastineans? Why can't they just accept having a palestinean state to themselves and not seek for Israels destruction? Why do both sides do things that just torpedo the peace process?

I don't know. Does anyone else have a good answer?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 12:49 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 11, 2004 2:28 pm
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How the hell did we end up here?

I want sexual innuendo!

 Post subject: with regard to the original topic
PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 6:28 am 
Tough Nut

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this isnt a forum for reality bashing. might i remind you, the topic is moot.

here is why. you can download the speach files, if i may repost the message from vano here.
*** ... Sounds.exe

It is an self-extracting archive with all in-game voice-overs. Contact me when you'll made a remake of it and I will make an alternative voice-over patch for MA/MAN.

Also you may try place music you like in "data" folder. It should be in ogg-format. After that edit music.ini file to insert here your music.
please feel free to work out all the sex or other disturbing sounds, i myself, plan to use terminator movie sound files....lots of good movie snipets can be found at.

now once you replace the files...try to keep the size down, feel free to post the catogory online for the rest of us to use, save the rest of us some work. i will do the same....

now get back to the anti-jewish semantic bastards....:P

life is short, make the most of it.
life is change, change with it.
every now and then, look under a rock, smell the roses, kiss a pretty girl.
life, be in it.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 12:24 pm 
Artanis wrote:
Guest wrote:
Much of the tax money the average US citizen pays goes into buying weapons of mass destruction for Israel to use against the Palistinians

I don't pretend to know enough about the situation to comment on the rest of this, but I was unaware of the Israelis nuking, gassing, and bio-bombing Palestinians...

Cruise missiles, Apaches, and Bulldozers aren't "weapons of mass distruction"

Israel's nuclear progam wouldn't exist without help from the US. For more info read about Vanunu. You might have a different interpretation, but I call nuclear weapons WMDs.
The Israelis don't need to use anything other than conventional weapons against the Palastinians, it's not like they're going to fight back with tanks and planes.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 3:30 pm 
Sea Wolf
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Guest wrote:
Much of the tax money the average US citizen pays goes into buying weapons of mass destruction for Israel to use against the Palistinians

Once again, I have yet to hear reports of mushroom clouds rising from Palistinian neigborhoods.

I am fully aware that Isreal has a nuke program, and I am fully aware that the US has given them plenty of stuff. I am also fully aware both of what WMDs are and that Isreal doesn't need them against the Palestinians. However, it was said that either nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons WERE being used against the Palestinians. THAT is what I replied to.

Q: How many ADHD people does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: Oooh look, a kitty!!!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 6:31 am 
P.L. Marshal
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2 Artanis - you know what US signed the international agreements not to spread nuclear weapons technologies? and you speak so calmly about US helping israel to make nukes?
here is typical double standards of US policy...when Russia sells to Iran some equipment for nuclear powered electric stations (completely peaceful equipment which can not have any military use) then US state department yells all over the world like "Russia helps Iran to make nukes!! that's breaking the agreement!!" but when US itself gives nukes to Israel it is (in US opinion) perfectly okay and not breaks the agreements...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 7:16 am 
Sea Wolf
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Guest wrote:
In the US nobody can talk about the Israelis. At best you get branded an anti-semite Jew-hating Nazi. So many people have been fired from their jobs only because they criticized israel for shelling schools, shooting children, bulldozing houses with people still in them, assasinating political opponents, kidnapping, torture, etc. You know, stuff that if anyone else did, they'd be labeled a horrible monster. Instead, Israel is the second largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid. Much of the tax money the average US citizen pays goes into buying weapons of mass destruction for Israel to use against the Palistinians (who then fight back with the only "weapons" they have, rocks, and home-made bombs tied to their bodies).
To be fair to the "average US citizen", let me explain something to the non-American readers. The entire media (and the entertainment industry) here in the US is controlled by those who strongly support Israel, so the news that people get (and the propaganda through TV shows and movies) is VERY one-sided. If you live in the US, you'd have to turn to the internet (Guardian UK,, etc.). I'm certain that if the average American actually read news other than the news-substitute they show on TV and print in the papers (mostly sports and human-interest stories), they'd be outraged.
Before I get labeled a Jew-hating Nazi, let me tell everyone here that I'm part jewish, and most of my closest friends are jews. Not all jews agree with Israel government's policy.

I think what you're saying here is that you disagree with the body of opinion in the US, so they're biased, while you agree with a lot of the UK sources, so they're right.

This really isn't the way to evaluate sources.

"Massive Assault is a game for those, who like to think. In this game random factor exists without doubt, but it doesn't play a decisive role." - Tiger

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 7:19 am 
Sea Wolf
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Mrakobes wrote:
2 Artanis - you know what US signed the international agreements not to spread nuclear weapons technologies? and you speak so calmly about US helping israel to make nukes?
here is typical double standards of US policy...when Russia sells to Iran some equipment for nuclear powered electric stations (completely peaceful equipment which can not have any military use) then US state department yells all over the world like "Russia helps Iran to make nukes!! that's breaking the agreement!!" but when US itself gives nukes to Israel it is (in US opinion) perfectly okay and not breaks the agreements...

Israel is a stable democray, while Iran is no such thing. It's thanks to Russia, not America, that half the world is either armed with nukes, or on the way there.

"Massive Assault is a game for those, who like to think. In this game random factor exists without doubt, but it doesn't play a decisive role." - Tiger

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 8:10 am 
P.L. Marshal
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see now...
that is exaclty what i was speaking about - the double standards...the "stable democracy" is allowed to do something which some other country not allowed to do...
actually that means "this country is our loyal ally and we will give it whatever we want"
the question it is connected with international laws? where in United Nations charter it is written what "stable democracy" has more rights that any other state which is also subject of international law? international law is supposed to affect everybody equally or it just will not exist
by making the above statement the Quitch perfectly shown that he (and all US allies) dont care about international laws they just care about their own political point of view...
if so...what's the problem wth Russia giving nukes to Iran - from our political point of view Iran is our stable ally... therefore - Iran had not made nukes so far but they can as well do it because double standards of US had already fucked up the international law completely...
and about "half world having nukes thanx to Russia " - this is just a stupid noncence you Quitch better get some info about what you speaking...
first there is not "half world" - there are 8 countries having nukes so far but they are not even close to half world (there are 250 countries in the world for you info).
USSR helped to make nukes to China only (but that was loong ago before the agreement not to spread nukes was signed)
In same time - the US helped to make nukes for British,French,Israeli and Pakistan armed who was spreading the nukes more?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 8:39 am 
Sea Wolf
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You misquote me Mrakobes. Come on, you can do better than that.

"Massive Assault is a game for those, who like to think. In this game random factor exists without doubt, but it doesn't play a decisive role." - Tiger

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