Massive Assault

tactics, and counter tactics
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Author:  sergiekun [ Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  tactics, and counter tactics

usual tactics, are :
clutter tactic,
useing multiple weak, or moderate units to clutter the enimy's space, to block gurrilas, and attackers, so as to have no, or low opposing forces

balenced tactic,
useing the range of units to put them in rows, and just fire repeatedly on an enemy, instead of having to wait for the enimy to defeat the unit in front of you

overpower tactic
this is not too common, and reciers good skill to use correctly, it consists of useing a few strong units to defeat the enimy, and gaining more each turn, but sometimes people put weak units in the front of these stronger units to provide multiple decoy targets

type in your own tactic, or counter tactic to a previosly posted tactic[/b]

Author:  Aidyn [ Thu Jul 27, 2006 2:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

When the final version is released I might make a website about MAN 2 strategies and tips and things like that.

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