a. All players will be divided in 24 pools (5-6 players in each pool). The toss-up procedure will be similar to the one used in FIFA. The round-robin tourney will take place inside each Pool: each player will play 2 games against other players (as F.N.U. and Phantom League) on Beotorum planet. The winner of each Pool will proceed to the following stage. Additionally, 12 players, who’ll take the second place in their pools, will also proceed to the following stage basing on the best records (number of tournament's victories, sum of turns in lost battles minus sum of turns in won battles).
b. The players will be divided in 6 pools (6 players in each pool). The round-robin tourney will take place within each Pool: every player will play 2 games against other players (as F.N.U. and Phantom League) on Eden planet. The winner of each Pool will proceed to the following stage. The second-place winner will take part in the Consolation Final.
c. The Final round-robin tourney will be held within its final Pool (of 6 top players): each player will play 2 games against other players (as F.N.U. and Phantom League) on Anubis planet. The Consolation Final for the 7-12 places will have the same structure.
a. Won game at any stage costs 3 points.
b. Lost game costs 0 points.
c. If a game is finished a draw, both players will get 1 point.
a. Result of battles for equal-score players
b. Difference: (Sum of turns in lost battles minus sum of turns in won battles in the games between equal-score players)
c. Difference: (Sum of turns in lost battles minus sum of turns in won battles in the all games of this round)
If you have questions contact tournament moderators.