Vic wrote:
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen.
Yes, we, the developers did completely agree that the AI level in the release version of MA and even in the first patch (v. 190) was too difficult for many of the newcomers - mainly due to the fact taht MA offers quite new (or at least long ago forgotten) gameplay style.
Okay...I've only just discovered MA (played through the entire demo this weekend). Good game. Looks like the boards are somewhat inactive, but this point caught my eye and I wanted to respond...
Really there isn't much new to the game style in MA. It's been around for decades (even centuries when you consider games like chess). It is the style of computer gamers that is "new" since most have come to wargaming through RTS games. TBS games are fun, IMO, because they afford you an opportunity to think about what you are doing. I love games like Rise of Nations and Warcraft, but when playing against real opponents the game is often decided by which player has learned the hotkeys the best. TBS style games allow you to think about what you're going to do and put some thought in it. MA's simplicity allows you to concentrate of decisions like what troops to buy, where to deploy them and how to use each individual unit. I've seen other TBS games that get so complicated (Stars! for instance) that you really get bogged down just managing your forces and territories and it seems more like work than fun.
However, there are at least two glaring things missing in MA (at least in the demo):
1) Opportunity fire: It would be nice (and wouldn't affect the simplicity of the game, IMO) if units that didn't fire (or maybe move or fire) on their last turn would fire automatically as soon as an enemy unit passes within range of them. That way, approaching an enemy defenisive line would be more difficult and afford the defenders a chance to fire before being decimated.
2) Air defense: If you have opportunity fire, you could have a special unit type (flak battery or SAM site or something...maybe a ship type, too) that can fire on planes.
Some other interesting additions would be:
Strategic Bombers: Longer range bombers that can deal one point of damage to enemy units or reduce an enemy city's revenue by 1 point (cities could "heal" at a rate of 1 point per turn or something)
Fighter/interceptors: These planes don't damage ground units, but automatically attack enemy aircraft that pass withing so many hexes of their base and can be used to escort bombers.
WMDs: No wargame is worth its salt without some sort of nuclear option (okay, that's an exaggeration). Weapons that can damage a larger area of hexes, permanently destroy all revenue in a certian city, etc.
Just some ideas for the future...