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 Post subject: Missle Launchers: Hot or Not?
PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 12:18 am 
Missle launchers are a very useful unit. Although I like missle launchers, I had quite some trouble defeating an easy AI opponment because of these units. What are some different Highs and Lows about this unit (clips would be nice)

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 12:23 am 
I could show you the war if someone can tell me how to attach it on here

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 4:08 am 

Joined: Mon Dec 09, 2002 7:00 pm
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Location: Wargaming.Net ... dunits.htm

try this link - it has some thoughts.

I use them either when defending or load it into transport to add 5 extra mp of movement.

Do not invade 8 countries on your first turn :)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 5:03 pm 
I know about my brother's site very well

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 12:44 am 
heres another question

missle launchers vs. heavy bots

which one you want? (The last post was sent by me; I tend to forget to put my username sometimes :roll: )

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 1:47 am 
Sea Wolf
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Just added an article on heavy bots here: ... dunits.htm

Both of them are very powerful units I use quite frequently. Rocket launchers because of their range, and Heavy Bots because of their mobility. My choice is different in every situation, so its hard to say which one is better.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 7:06 am 
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Joined: Fri Dec 26, 2003 4:57 am
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Normally I tend to have twice as much HB`s as RL`s.That`s because they are much easier to transport and manipulate.Also,buying HB`s is much less critical decision cause you most of the times are sure that it will survive and more or less serve its purpose.On the other hand there are quite much situations where buying RL`s do no good.They are:
a)The battlefield is too near(and the enemy can reach them instead of happily slaughtering useless canon fodder you prepared just in case he is as dumb as a rock)
b)You are invading neighboring country and some border hexes are free for him to raise guerilla in.(countless transports filled with that fast-riding-not-caring units were mercilessly killed in MA because of their owners carelesness)
c)There are planes nearby.(really,going in with a single(or possibly even dual) RL`s not dealing with those murderous planes first,is suicide)

And the final idea is - RL is a long range support unit - it is quite useless if you do not have enough firepower to begin with or ton of LAV`s and territory advantage(like wood or sand).(of course all of this is about normal warfare circumstances.There are quite a lot of situations where RL`s are better,especially when rasing guerillas but this RL`s tend to have a very short life)

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 Post subject: Re: Missle Launchers: Hot or Not?
PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:45 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2009 11:57 pm
Posts: 9
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for me in the campaign missions Rocket Launchers are always my last units that surive with transports and planes I over protect them and happly spam lavs to cover them, if facing enemy artillery bombers are the way to go.

Speed always wins the day.

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