After playing Domination for a little while now, I think PL has the advantage for multiple reasons:
* PL first turn advantage (reduced since MAN due to 1-country disclosure, but still present)
* Additional PL advantage of being able to move after disclosure on the first turn (the first turn is treated differently than all other turns in this respect, to further PL's advantage)
*PL has overall better unit selection:
*PL air transport is
far superior to the FNU attack helicopter. The air transport opens up many new opportunities for invasion, the attack helicopters are too fragile and expensive to effectively invade a country over a barrier.
*PL bullfrog's usefulness in offense varies based on map/situation, but when it is useful in offense, it is
very useful! Additionally, the bullfrog can be a great $6 guerrilla, often better than a tower + 2 LAVS. Is the bullfrog superior to the FNU battle platform? I don't know. It may vary depending on map. The battle platform + RL is the most useful unit FNU has...but it is still a close call with the bullfrog.
* PL's Leviathan is superior to FNU subs. The leviathan is much more versatile, useful for battles on land and on sea. It is difficult to mass enough subs to really get behind enemy lines to destroy a unit like a battleship or a leviathan. Even though two battleships have more total HP and firing power than one Leviathan, the versatility of the Leviathan's range plus double-firing to finish units off makes it a better choice when protected by other units.
Conclusion: Even though PL's first turn advantage has been reduced since MAN, I strongly suspect that PL's overall advantage is even greater than before with given the special units...