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 Post subject: Tournament Schedule
PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 3:26 pm 
Sea Wolf
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Hi, community!

In attached image you can see the tournament schedule for the next months.

I hope players can manage its play-time with this information.

Of course, the rest of moderators can manage other tournaments that are not in this list.

I will try to update the image when new tournaments come to my head :wink:

Tournament_Schedule.png [ 157.93 KiB | Viewed 61980 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Tournament Schedule
PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 1:31 am 
Tough Nut

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What about having a small maps tournament again and making it a yearly tradition, this time with all the maps that weren't included first and some of the first ones to make 7.

I also would think a medium maps tournament under the same general format would be interesting - problem with single map tournaments is that they become boring pretty fast; we are a small comunity and the map-pool is the same for very long and I think we need to be inventive to compensate for that. The World War was a great step in that direction but seems to have more or less died or at least to be in intensive care :)

Another idea that came to mind was a "2-ISLANDS tournament" featuring Eden and Twin Islands on alternate rounds.

 Post subject: Re: Tournament Schedule
PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 6:16 pm 
Sea Wolf
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Hi, community

New tournament was included in tournament schedule :D

Tournament_Schedule.png [ 149.13 KiB | Viewed 61754 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Tournament Schedule
PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 8:18 pm 
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GI Joe(X)

Last edited by GI Joe on Sat Dec 03, 2016 6:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Tournament Schedule
PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 8:55 am 

Joined: Fri Oct 28, 2016 10:32 am
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count me in for all 3!

 Post subject: Re: Tournament Schedule
PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 11:40 am 
Sea Wolf
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DreadReapr wrote:
count me in for all 3!

I think better you join the tournaments!......when published! :lol:

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 Post subject: Re: Tournament Schedule
PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 11:21 am 
Sea Wolf
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This is the current situation in Tournament Schedule:

Tournament_Schedule.png [ 154.02 KiB | Viewed 60347 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Tournament Schedule
PostPosted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 10:30 am 
Sea Wolf
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New tournaments for the next months!

I hope see you there!

Tournament_Schedule.png [ 147.35 KiB | Viewed 58955 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Tournament Schedule
PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:59 pm 

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:o And next tournament is?

 Post subject: Re: Tournament Schedule
PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 7:49 am 
Sea Wolf
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Some idea, Snook? :D

We can use this topic too for players make proposals.

In this moment we have 3 active tournaments and for moderators (me and Lord Johnny) implies some work.
With more moderators I think we could have some more tournaments but is not the real situation :-?

Anyway, tell us what it would be your "desired" tournament and we can study how to carry it out!

Come on, community, express your ideas!! 8)

Visit my MAN2 website in spanish language!
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 Post subject: Re: Tournament Schedule
PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 3:00 pm 

Joined: Thu Dec 14, 2017 1:12 pm
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I looked at the previous tournaments and everything has been done at least once.

:( Some maps don't get a lot of play like New Paradise and The Swamp.

King of Paradise 10 turns swiss system.
The Swamp King 10 turns swiss system.

Trinity Standard Unit Set 10 turns swiss system.

:o See how players adjust to playing with the Standard Unit Set.

2pts each red win
3pts each green win
1pt each draw.

Field Marshal of Crateus 10 turns swiss system or group system with tie break.

:) MA Style unit set. World War II style. Battle line war of attrition with tank and bot blitz.

 Post subject: Re: Tournament Schedule
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 12:11 pm 
Sea Wolf
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Some comment to Snook proposals:

About maps like Paradise and Swamp. New Paradise is a very bad balanced map and therefore hard to use for a tournament. In any map setup can be playable or not by cause of random disposition but map can be balanced. The Swamp is a "turttle" map and you need many turns for conquer a single country. I think that means very long games and tournaments must have more dinamics, if possible. :)

About the use of not usual set of units (Standard or MA style).

Can you imagine a game without anti-air units? MA style implies that, my friend :oops:

Extended set of units let players play in the same conditions and it is the used by all the players in the practice.

For create a tournament you can try be creative with format but it is not easy if you use maps or settings that community don't play usually. Simply take a look to the list of players of the last tournaments. We have a number of tournament's players around of 30-40 depending of format and time for play. It is work enough for manage it for a small number of players, but in my case I always thinked that tournaments give an extra interest to our wonderful game. I don't mind working for others to enjoy it. :wink:

Of course, I must to thank you for participating in the debate and continue to express what you think. My opinion is not better that yours! :D

For some years I am thinking in the option of create a "League" of MAN2 with different Divisions and promotions among them with a yearly format but it is not easy include it.

It would be something like this:

Honor Division: 8 first players by glicko-score in the inscription of first year. All vs. All format 2 sides (14 games in total that could be started in different packs!)
After the competition the last 2 scored players go down to lower Division for the next year.

First Division: 14 next players by glicko-score in the first year. All vs. All format 1 side (13 games in total)
After the competition the first 2 scored players go up to Honor Division and the last 4 scored players go down to lower Division for the next year.

Second Division: 14 last players by glicko-score in the first year. All vs. All format 1 side (13 games in total)
After the competition the 4 first scored players go up to First Division.

After the first year any new player (even the world champion if not participate in the previous League) must start on the Second Division. The seats in all the Divisions will be reserved for players who have won their right to participate. Only if some player don't want or can't participate his seat will be used for other player.

This is a little summary of how must run a tournament of that format 8)

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 Post subject: Re: Tournament Schedule
PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 2:58 am 
Tough Nut

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I agree with tese on all counts and for clarification I will give suplementary explanations. Also I will inform everyone on present situation and possible futures of the game so please bear with me to the end :).
First of all playing MA style in my oppinion is like playing a chess game in which one side would have only knights and no bishops while the other side would have bishops but no knights - totally assimetric and improper for competion.
The present formulas that we use for tournaments (that is KO tables and groups) are probably the best we ever had so far for several reasons: they offer the most map variation by playing several maps in the same tournament (before almost all tournaments were played on a single map and it became kind of boring after a couple of rounds); a pretty ardous and difficult task was to convince players to participate - in Swiss style competion you need to have an even number of players and finding that extra player was sometimes a real pain in the .... (tese can tell you more about that :D) - the actual formats eliminated that annoying need.
Also the new proposed format by tese and inspired by football leagues looks fun and entertaining to have as an extra to regular tournaments.

What would really be a boost for the game would be having some new maps and new players preferably of the large and XL variety (for the maps) and real active ones for the players. Unfortunately many of the players so-called active never play tournaments or even other players of the same caliber - they just torture the poor girls (I mean Kate and Emily) or gather points by only playing against much weaker opponents; both activities useless and not in the least entertaining in my oppinion. I tried to play against one of the bots once and after a couple of turns gave it a draw ... it was just too dumb, couldn't pull through to the end :).

At present the game was moved on servers external to the ones for security reasons... the company might give up on the game entirely in the near future and give/sell it to the community (that is what we hope for). That would entail several things: first of all they covered the server and traffic expenses for a year, after that is uncertain (costs for maintaining are arround 40 $ a month); if we get control of the game our intention is to make it free (with account creating through mail address) and maybe playable in browser. That would give us a significant influx of new players and the possibility of putting new maps into the game. We will also need to ask periodically for donations (on the wikipedia model) in order to cover server expenses and maybe pay some guys to design us new maps.

That's that's that's all folks... - we will see what comes, future is quite uncertain but we are hopeful :).

 Post subject: Re: Tournament Schedule
PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 7:29 am 

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Lord Johnny wrote:
if we get control of the game our intention is to make it free (with account creating through mail address)

Guys, there is no need to make MAN2 free to play... There are lots of people, in Russia especially, who want to buy a lifetime subscription for any money, but they simply do not know how to do it and where... Because in Russia nowadays there are no shops which sell a MAN2 subscription. Simply create an easy worldwide working link to buy (or donate) a game, set up a price (10-20$ for a lifetime subscription) and "everything will be in chocolate", how they say in Russia, and MAN2 will get tons of new players from Russia.
Just study the Russian channel in public chat - almost every day a newbie asks where he can bring his money to and buy a subscription. And nobody knows the answer, cause there are no shops selling it in Russia.

 Post subject: Re: Tournament Schedule
PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 10:12 am 
Tough Nut

Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:03 am
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I asked the guy who is in charge of the MAN server (Ivan) and his reply was:

"well yeah, that's a problem. But even for new codes and shops, decisions are not made, and I cant do anything about it except wait"

 Post subject: Re: Tournament Schedule
PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 11:12 am 

Joined: Thu Dec 14, 2017 1:12 pm
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:o I think I was setup.

:) Nice trap.

:lol: Next time I keep my ideas at home.

 Post subject: Re: Tournament Schedule
PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 12:09 pm 
Sea Wolf
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I don't understand your feeling, Snook.

I value your intervention and your ideas and my intention was not make you a "trap" but open a discussion or debate about the tournaments for all the community.

I have exposed my arguments about your proposal but I appreciate the time you dedicated to do it and your try for find new formats.

Please, don't keep your ideas at home! :wink: share them with the whole community!

That invitation I extend to everyone!

1 Brain can have good ideas but many brains will have better ones! :P

The idea of create a League of MAN2 with the proposed format is from Chess, dear Lord :lol: but obviously very similar to other sports.
I think that kind of tournament could last about 4-6 months if the map choosen each year is medium (like Anubis or something like that).
It would be good don't enter in summer vacation period, therefore we must start it on December or January each season. We have World Cup usually starting on September as fixed tournament and other tournaments don't need a closed time for finish.

I think we can try it! :)

Visit my MAN2 website in spanish language!
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Last edited by tese1969 on Tue Mar 20, 2018 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Tournament Schedule
PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:27 pm 

Joined: Thu Dec 14, 2017 1:12 pm
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:) It's all good.

:o I resubmit my tournament proposal with K.O. system.

The Swamp King 10 turns K.O. System.

:wink: The Swamp is more playable than Inferno in my mind and 5 turn play is just foolish.

:-? Your proposal of league - I do not completely understand.
Must be a European thing. I keep my mind open to join.

 Post subject: Re: Tournament Schedule
PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 4:20 pm 
Sea Wolf
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Well, I think we can study your proposal for Swamp tournament in K.O. system. :wink:

I attach image about the structure of my idea for League of MAN2.

The number included in each division is the starting distribution by glicko-score in the first League.

After the competition, players involved in the positions (is not the same number in this case) with color red or green will change the Division for next season (League) .

I hope this small image help you to understand it! :D

LEAGUE STRUCTURE.png [ 7.42 KiB | Viewed 56468 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Tournament Schedule
PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 2:18 am 

Joined: Fri Aug 22, 2014 1:31 pm
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Lord Johnny wrote:
I asked the guy who is in charge of the MAN server (Ivan) and his reply was:

"well yeah, that's a problem. But even for new codes and shops, decisions are not made, and I cant do anything about it except wait"

But if the community takes the control of MAN2, it will be possible to start to generate new codes ourselves and distribute them as we like...
It will be much better than waiting for the decision from forever...

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